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Copyrights, brands, and trademarks used in SpaceHighways, the series, and related webpages

Copyrights of SpaceHighways

SpaceHighways Logos

The SpaceHighway, Space Highways, and SH logos are copyright by Siggy Simon Jr. / Martin S. Siegrist in its image form.


Old SH logo. © Siggy Simon Jr. / Martin S. Siegrist

SH logo. © Siggy Simon Jr. / Martin S. Siegrist

Old SpaceHighway “long” logo. © Siggy Simon Jr. / Martin S. Siegrist


SpaceHighway “long” logo. © Siggy Simon Jr. / Martin S. Siegrist

Old SpaceHighway Logo

Old SpaceHighway “tall” logo. © Siggy Simon Jr. / Martin S. Siegrist


SpaceHighway “tall” logo. © Siggy Simon Jr. / Martin S. Siegrist

Space Highways long logo

SpaceHighway “long” logo. © Siggy Simon Jr. / Martin S. Siegrist

SpaceHighways series

The content of the SpaceHighways Series is copyright by Siggy Simon Jr. / Martin S. Siegrist.

The series will only be distributed through its official channels:

Official domain names include spacehighways.net, spacehighway.msspacehighway.esspace-highway.com and istm.es (spacehighway.ms, spacehighway.esspace-highway.com redirect to spacehighways.net).

Any other than the mentioned sites are not official and violate the author’s copyright and may be prosecuted.


The free chapters may appear on other sites if the following rules are kept:

  • Clear attribution to its author Siggy Simon Jr. / Martin S. Siegrist
  • A clearly visible backlink either to spacehighways.net, istm.es, or any of the above official social media pages and/or channels is included.
  • The content is not altered in any way.
  • The site does not charge for the chapter(s).
  • There is no monetary gain by the publication of the SpaceHighways chapters.
  • The site’s content or main theme is related to literature, space, sci-fi, LGBT+ issues, and other issues discussed in the SpaceHighways series.

This means:

If any SpaceHighways material is found on other sites not adhering to the exceptions rules, it will be prosecuted and counted liable for breaking the author’s copyright.

The series will always be free to read on the official website, there is no need to pirate, steal, rework, copy, re-attribute or otherwise modifying the SpaceHighways series and its chapters.

And please, there is no need to torrent the chapters nor share them via p2p networks, they are lightweight.


The SpaceHighways universe is free to be based upon. Anyone may create stories based on the SpaceHighways series and universe, but has to follow the following rules:

  • Attribution of the SpaceHighways universe to its creator, Siggy Simon Jr. / Martin S. Siegrist.
  • Do not include characters of the SpaceHighways Series.
    • Nor depict characters of the series in pornographic scenes.
  • Be as creative as possible.
    • Create your own characters and places.
  • Place a link back to one of the official pages.

The author of SpaceHighways encourages the creation of fanfiction, as long as these simple rules are kept. Fanfiction authors may send their work or a link to their work to be included in a fanfiction database. We attribute your work correctly with the links and contact info provided.

For any question about fanfiction, please contact the author.

This means:

  • Do not attribute the SpaceHighways universe to yourself.
  • Do not write pornographic stories or scenes of the series’ characters.
  • Ah, and please, write properly. No 1337-speak or SMS/chat-jargon.
  • Your work will always be yours.


The author approves fanart as long as the characters are not depicted in pornographic situations and are faithful to the character’s descriptions.
A link to the official website must accompany the art.
Artists may send their art pieces or links to their pieces to be included in a gallery of fanart. We attribute your work correctly with the links and contact info provided.

For any question about fanart, please contact the author.

Copyrights, brands, and trademarks of third parties

The nature of the SpaceHighways series implies that many well-known brands, companies, and trademarks may be named or mentioned otherwise.

The trademarks, brands, companies, and other copyrighted signature or form mentioned in SpaceHighways are entirely held by its owners.

All mentioned literary, musical, and filmographic works are copyrighted by their owners.

Some mentioned brands, products, trademarks, and/or companies are linked to major authorized sellers through official affiliate programs, with the intention to create a richer reader experience. Any purchase through those affiliate links may provide additional funds to the author of SpaceHighways. The use of affiliate links is optional and those links are clearly marked with the $ symbol.

Trademarks of third parties mentioned in SpaceHighways

None of the mentioned trademark holders endorse nor are affiliated with SpaceHighways nor its author Siggy Simon Jr. / Martin S. Siegrist.

The trademarks or companies are mentioned on a fair use basis without any negative connotation.

In case any company and/or trademark holder is against its use in any of the SpaceHighways related works (series, website), contact us.

Mentioned trademarks, brands, products and/or companies

A full list of mentioned films and books can be found under the intertextuality page Books and References.
A full list of mentioned music can be found under the intertextuality page Soundtracks. Any direct citation of lyrics has been deleted and/or substituted by specially created ones.

List of trademarks, brands, and companies mentioned:

Trademarks, brands, products and/or companies appearing on the SpaceHighways website

These brands, products, trademarks, and/or companies provide services for a richer reader experience. None of the owners of those brands, trademarks, products, and/or companies endorse SpaceHighways in any way other than providing services.

Other third-party services not mentioned above

Any third party service not mentioned above and used on the SpaceHighwayswebsite is the owner of its trademark, brand, product, and company.

Use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs and other health-related products

None of the mentioned tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or health-related products are endorsed by their owners.

The author does not receive any monetary compensation for its use or other mentions in the SpaceHighways series.

The SpaceHighways website will never include advertisements or affiliate links to tobacco products, alcoholic beverage, legal or illegal drugs nor other health-related products.