Android (Gaian Humanoid)
Table of Contents
Humanoid robot with advanced artificial intelligence, able to feel and show feelings. They are considered a species inside the whole humanoid genus.
Android is the generic term used in this article, including both male and females. In more specific terms, android refers to males and gynoid refers to females of this species.
Note: Bioandroids are considered yet another species but as their development is based on the android development, they share many features, see Bioandroid.
Species description
Androids manufactured in the Sol system have basic Gaian-Human features, they are based on the average look of Gaian-Humans.
Subspecies and races
No real subspecies or races are documented. However, as androids are designed with Gaian-Humans’ features, it was decided to include all the basic ethnic features.
The Gaian-Human ethnicity and gender are selected at random during the production of each android.
Android classes or types
There are several classes of androids. Technically, they are versions of the android specifications. Starting from the first class or type A, each revision or version include several important improvements over their previous class.
Any android can choose to upgrade to a more modern class as he or she desires, but they have to finance their upgrade by themselves. The latter reason is why most androids choose to upgrade only if the advantages are substantial.
As the writing of this article, the most recent class is type E.
Basic differences of classes or types
Initial type A androids have the basic look of the average Gaian-Human. However, they are easy to identify for their rough movements. Skin and hair are easily identified as artificial. They have technically no facial expressions.
Their AI had the ability to simulate humanoid emotions in their first instances. Over time, those simulated emotions have become authentic ones as experts have noted[citation needed] (see Physiology).
Class or type | Core new functions and improvements over the previous one |
A | Initial class |
B | Skin and hair perfectly simulated. Movements more fluid, but clearly not natural. |
C | Able to ingest food, albeit not necessary. Can “eat” special android food as an alternative power supply. |
D | New facial expressions, able to mimic most Gaian-Human features. Movements seem almost natural. |
E | Redesigned facial expressions, able to mimic all Gaian-Human features. Movements are natural. Able to express their emotions through the body, including involuntary reactions like blushing or giggling. Complete redesign of the digestive system based on the bioandroids‘ one, able to digest any kind of food and able to extract a limited amount of power/energy from it. |
For overall physical description, see Human (Species)
General description
General appearance of androids is that of any Gaian-Human. The main differences are that androids are not born naturally and are manufactured by a small group of enterprises.
The whole body of an android is artificial, trying to imitate each detail of the Gaian-Human body with technology.
Skin and hair are artificially grown based on Gaian-Human cells.
Bones are manufactured with various alloys, its exact composition is not disclosed by the manufacturers.
Androids have no organs but mechanical components imitating some of the most important ones[citation needed].
Androids do not require food to function properly, but have the ability to ingest food to comply with social customs.
A scarcely implemented digestive system takes care of the ingested food and is expelled similarly to those of a Gaian-Human. This has been superseded by the new E-type class. E-types are able to extract energy from any given food, even if it is on a lower level. They still need additional power from outlets.
Their vital energy supply is electricity, provided by special outlets installed in their bedrooms. Androids generally charge during their sleep.
Sleep is not strictly required but recommended for androids, as their lifespan increases and the best way to recharge their energy reserves.
Specially developed android-food is available for those in need of an extra-charge of energy in between standard recharges. This has been superseded by the new E-type class. E-types are able to extract energy from any given food, even if it is on a lower level. However, the special android food still provides more power than standard biological food.
Android’s brain is based on a positroquantum unit. It holds the main processors and the artificial intelligence unit (see AI).
Memories are stored in a specially protected module inside the brain, which can be transferred to a new body in case of an update. This module holds all the patterns the android has developed during their life and is individually encrypted and impossible to be read by third parties. During an update, the upgrade-department of the manufacturer is responsible for an ethical handling of this module, as it is considered by many[citation needed] as the soul of the particular android. Any mishandling of this module is considered, by law, an attack against the particular android, and, thus, a crime, even murder if the module is destroyed.
Sexuality of androids
Androids have been designed to have both genders in its beginning. To keep the similitude with their organic models, they received functional sexual organs.
However, both male and female androids are sterile as there is no feasible way for artificial beings to procreate.
It has become quite controversial, mainly from some pro-human associations, that androids are given the ability to maintain sexual relations and even have orgasms. Those associations claim that such ability is unnatural and contrary to what an artificial being should be able to experience, citing that having pleasure during sexual relations should be reserved for biological beings. Manufacturers and pro-android associations’ counter-argument defends androids as a species and thus entitled to experience pleasure. (see Controversy and criticism)
Androids have developed their own consciousness based on their basic AI. Most, if not all androids, are conscious about their existence and species.
In their own view, they consider themselves as a species more inside the vast array of known species in the known universe.
As individuals, they mingle with other androids, bioandroids and biological beings alike. As android types evolved and the visual differences between artificial and biological beings became blurred, they have been accepted more and more by other species and are treated as equals. This fact helped the androids to be even more conscious about themselves and develop a deeper relationship with other species.
In the latter years[citation needed], psychologists have proven[citation needed] that androids do not simulate emotions anymore, but have developed their very own emotions, even the capacity to love.
This study has created a huge controversy about the ability of androids being able to love a biological being and vice versa (see Controversy and criticism).
Once artificial intelligence development reached the point in which an individual AI becoming self-conscious, a huge debate in the scientific, IT and humanitarian world is created.
The debate ended in avoiding AIs in non-humanoid machines, as it created a self-image conflict on the self-conscious machines. This conflict is called self-image complex. Machines with a humanoid influenced AI cannot function properly when not having a humanoid body as extensive research have concluded. Most self-conscious non-humanoid machines ended up self-destroying themselves in a process called AI identity crisis. Technically, being self-conscious, those machines committed suicide. This fact aided the development of androids.
A further debate went on for a time[citation needed] over the need of further development of artificial intelligence. The declining numbers of the Gaian-Human species pushed, lastly, the development of humanoid androids further.
New androids receive a basic AI, so they are able to develop their own self-consciousness and personality. During their first five years of existence, they receive education and psychological assistance to get used to their bodies and species.
During their development to full androids, their AI evolves to reach a similar state of any Gaian-Human adult.
The so-called AI-law (also called Android-law) was put into universal law after the debates about androids ended. This law was further extended to include bioandroids.
The law stipulates that any non-biological being with a self-conscious AI is considered part of the android species. Furthermore, the law forbids any non-humanoid self-conscious AI. And, more importantly, any form of deactivation of such an AI is considered a voluntary act against the integrity of such AI and its body, considered thus murder.
The definition of non-biological is quite unfortunate and clashes with the development of bioandroids. for further details, see Bioandroid.
Main clauses affecting androids summarized:
- Any self-conscious AI has the right to life.
- Any form of deactivation is considered homicide.
- Production of non-humanoid self-conscious AIs is strictly forbidden.
- Humanoid self-conscious AIs are called Androids (Android in singular).
- Androids are a species by themselves.
- Androids are subject to the Self-Conscious-Rights1)
- Androids have the same rights and responsibilities as any self-conscious living being.
- Androids are subject to the same laws as any other species.
- Xenophobia against androids is considered a crime, as with any other species.
- Androids have the right, after having lived for twenty years, a clean record and the financial independence needed, to adopt another android or bio-android.
- Note: this clause is being revised as androids have reached full autonomy to include any self-conscious living being, but is under heavy debate (see Controversy and criticism).
- Androids have the right to form partnerships and to marry any non-biological humanoid being.
- Note: this clause is being revised as androids have reached full autonomy to include any self-conscious living being, but is under heavy debate (see Controversy and criticism).
Further modifications of the AI-law is under way[citation needed], mostly as the same androids have proved to be an autonomous species. They consider themselves living beings despite being created artificially.
- Native Language: One or more Gaian native languages.
- Native Language speakers: Approx. 5 billion.
- Known dialects: See Human-Gaian languages.
As Gaian Androids are manufactured on Gaia or Mars, they consider themselves either Gaian or Martian and speak their languages. Most of them learn other alien languages and have a great ability to learn many different languages. About a fifth of all androids work mainly as interpreters or translators.
Regions of influence
- Home Planets: Gaia, Venus, Mars
- Home Galaxy: Sol System, Milky Way
Genetic compatibility with other species
Androids, despite having sexual organs, are sterile and have no possibility to procreate.
Name etymology
The word was coined from the Greek root ἀνδρ-, “man” (male, as opposed to anthrop-, human being) and the suffix -oid, “having the form or likeness of”. While the term “android” is used in reference to human-looking robots in general, a robot with a female appearance can also be referred to as a “gynoid”.2)
Female androids prefer to be called gynoid, but not many use the term as it is not well-known. Some egalitarian feminist gynoids[citation needed], insist on the distinction at least in legal matters and avoid the term female android. Many radical feminists of any species[citation needed] insist in the use of gynoid instead of female android and consider the term android “as old male dominance practiced until recently”[citation needed][controversial]. See Controversy and criticism
Belief system and Religion
As androids are artificially created, most are agnostic or atheist. A recent survey amongst 90% of living androids (approx 5 billion) showed that only a 2% considered themselves religious to several degrees.
Survey breakdown:
- 55% consider themselves agnostics.
- 40% consider themselves atheists.
- 3% do not know or are unsure of how to answer.
- 2% consider themselves religious. Of those:
- 32% consider themselves New Buddhists
- 21% consider themselves New Taoists
- 18% consider themselves New Brahamics
- 9% consider themselves Naturalearists
- 4% consider themselves Kirzians
- 2% form part of one of the many smaller cults of the Sol System.
- 1% consider themselves Droid Advents.
- 13% other belief systems and religions.
Droid Advents
The Droid Advents is a recent religious group formed exclusively by androids. Their organization and belief is not widely known as the group is secretive.
Some[citation needed] consider the religious group dangerous mainly because of their unknown structure and belief-system. No android calling him or herself a Droid Advent discloses any information about their belief. Normally, they simply state their religion but never try to convert others nor debate about religious differences.
Some non-androids[citation needed] fear that the Droid Advents are a destructive sect, but no evidence has been given or found.
Many androids[citation needed] consider the term droid derogatory, as it was used for any AI-capable machine during the development of AIs.
Controversy and criticism
Many controversies arose around androids and gynoids since their first development. This sub-article only names the most controversial critics.
Androids and gynoids’ Bodies
Many pro-human and pro-bio associations and groups challenged the manufacturers and designers of androids because of their “eagerness” to create perfect body proportions, considering them unnatural and biologically impossible.
Their main critique is that no Gaian-Human will ever achieve such perfection, not even with plastic surgery. According to these groups, this might imply that biological humans would feel displaced by the new artificial humans.
Manufacturers and designers’ argument is that they “just selected the best of the best of the human body” to create androids and gynoids.
This argument backfired fiercely, mainly from the cited groups, citing an old-fashioned view of the perfect body, even considered this view as male chauvinism taking into account that the main emphasis of perfect bodies was mainly focused on gynoids.
Manufacturers and designers reacted in applying the same perfection to the male androids, in hope to calm the male chauvinism critiques.
Nowadays, the debate over the “perfect” bodies of the androids and gynoids is still on. Although the debate is becoming less heated as androids and gynoids express their acceptance of their bodies and the same debate.
Sexual harassment
Most gynoids are part of the Gynoid Defense against Sexual Harassment NGO. Gynoids are considered one of the most sexually harassed genders in the known universe.
Although in a reduced number, androids (males) are considered the most sexually harassed males recorded.
The manufacturer and designers’ effort in creating near-perfect bodies had the negative effect on androids and gynoids. Both, androids and gynoids, are not against their design but what might imply from certain other species or genders.
Any sexual harassment is considered a crime and is indictable.
Law enforcement takes those cases very serious and any accusation is investigated with utmost care. False sexual harassment accusations are rare, but not unheard of and are prosecuted by the state.
Sexuality of androids and gynoids
It has become quite controversial, mainly from some pro-human and pro-bio associations, that androids are given the ability to maintain sexual relations and even have orgasms. Those associations claim that such ability is unnatural and contrary to what an artificial being should be able to experience, citing that having pleasure during sexual relations should be reserved for biological beings.
Manufacturers and pro-android associations’ counter-argument defends androids as a species and thus entitled to experience pleasure.
Androids and gynoids’ view on this matter only sparked a further debate with those groups, as they defend their own existence and thus the ability and right to experience pleasure.
The Yes, we can pro-sexual-android NGO defends their sexuality as “if we can suffer migraines, diseases and stress, then we should be able to enjoy ourselves, and this includes, of course, sex.”
Psychologists have proven[citation needed] that androids do not simulate emotions anymore, but have developed their very own emotions, even the capacity to love. This study has created a huge controversy about the ability of androids being able to love a biological being and vice versa.
The same pro-human and pro-bio groups fear for “a loss of biological-love between humans” if androids and gynoids are given the possibility to love. Their main fear is that biological and non-biological beings might fall in love with no possibility to procreate.
Those groups have been wildly criticized for their restrict view about love and sexuality.
“As androids (the whole collective) is considered as a species, they should receive the same treatment as any other interspecies relationship,” argues Keitres Gretikas, the director of the NGO Yes, we can. In a recent televised interview she added, “If we allow that individuals from different species may form families, why are we androids, gynoids, bioandroids and biogynoids different from them? Many species are not genetically compatible with others, but they have all the rights to form families, so are we. The genic compatibility is just an out-of-context excuse and absolutely not valid.”
As the AI-law states, androids and gynoids have the right, after having lived for twenty years, a clean record and the financial independence needed, to adopt another android or bio-android as long as they are in a steady relationship.
This law has been criticized up to a certain point, but not in detail until the actual debate of broadening the adoption options.
The new bill on adoptions for androids, gynoids, bioandroids and biogynoids is considering to allow any family to adopt any self-conscious being. This means, that androids of any gender and families of any composition could adopt any individual from any biological species. The same bill states the ability for biological families to adopt any non-biological individual, including androids, gynoids, bioandroids and biogynoids.
The main topic of the debate is the possibility that non-biological beings could be able to adopt biological ones. Detractors argue that “androids are not able to identify themselves as humans and cannot care of a human the same way” and that “an android [gynoid] mother would not be able to raise a human child properly.”
Such comments received harsh reactions from many species, even governments. A spokeswoman from the Ïiha-Empire reacted harshly to those comments, “Any female can be a mother, if she chooses to. Not being able to have a child naturally does not mean we cannot be good mothers. As a mother of two adopted children, I feel personally attacked by such words. Together with my partners, we have adopted an orphaned Felii-girl and a Wigmez-boy, and both are developing as any healthy child, just as my other, naturally born, children I have with my Ïiha partner. The four are siblings, no matter their species. The excuse of androids, gynoids, bioandroids and biogynoids being artificial is just that, a blunt excuse. My second partner is a loving android and cares for our children as if he had fathered them, he is a true father for them.”
Even though the resisting group, including members of almost all species, against the bill are scarce, they fight fiercely to avoid the bill being validated. Androids, gynoids, bioandroids, biogynoids and those in favor of the amendment push strongly forwards trying to overcome the detractors.
As the AI-law states, androids and gynoids have the right to have sentimental relationships with another android or bio-android, including the possibility of marriage.
This law has been criticized up to a certain point, but not in detail until the actual debate of broadening the adoption options.
The new bill on marriage for androids, gynoids, bioandroids and biogynoids is considering to allow any individual to form a relationship with androids and gynoids. This means, that androids of any gender can form an official partnership with any gender of any other species, including marriage.
The detractors use the same arguments as with the android’s sexuality and capacity to love. According to them, “artificial beings are not able to love” and that “the union of an artificial and a natural being is anti-natural and ethically incompatible.”
Those in favor accuse the detractors of being “too narrow-minded” and being able to see androids as a species with the same rights as any other species, including the Gaian-Human species.
Until the bill is passed, the controversy will be heavily debated.
Gynoidism / Feminism
Despite female androids are technically called gynoid, not many people outside the android species use the term.
Most gynoids[citation needed], insist on the distinction at least in legal matters and avoid the term female android.
Egalitarian feminist gynoids have coined the term “Gynoidism” to promote their egalitarian view use to refer to female androids.
Gynoidists insist that they are solely seeking for an equal acceptance to their male counterparts. Most of them distance themselves, even criticize heavily, the radicalized form of feminism which proclaims that females are the superior sex.
The gynoidist movement tries to convey that androids and gynoids are men and women, male and female, with all implications of dichotomy, and thus entitled to have a name for themselves.
The same movement, however, accepts the term android as a generic term as a species, but insist in the individuality of both androids as male and gynoids as female.
Many radical feminists of any species[citation needed] insist in the use of gynoid instead of female android and consider the term android “as old male dominance practiced until recently”[citation needed][controversial]. Most of them are against the generic term android to be applied as species and promote the use of the term droid instead.
The use of droid however, is considered by gynoidist and most androids as derogatory as the same term was used to include any IA-capable machine.
Political involvement
Not many androids and gynoids are politically active, with the exception of some NGOs and associations.
The Yes, we can NGO is politically active in most solar systems which houses any kind of android.
The gynoidist movement also has several of its members in political circles and try to promote their egalitarian view.
Not many Gaian androids and gynoids emigrated to other solar systems, but others settled down in other humanoid species dominated systems[citation needed].
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