Table of Contents
Alien species
Class: mammal
Species description
Subspecies and races
General description
Generally, Wigmez are described as dragonoids, although they have nothing in common with the mythological beasts known as dragons. They are mammals and thus females have breasts and carry their babies in their wombs until birth.
Their movements are very agile. They are described as a strange mixture between not too brusque nor too fluid movements.
Detailed description by body parts
- Height: Average of 2 meters high.
- Arms: –
- Skin: Golden color. Fine and smooth scales.
- Hair: “Tentacle-like”, about half a centimeter in thickness. Grows backward and fall down behind the pointy ears. Can grow as long as to reach half the back. Normally the back hair grows larger than the side-buns.
- Ears: Small, pointy upwards.
- Nose: –
- Lips: Minute and soft scales. Quite fine and not “fleshy”.
- Tongue: Slippery and agile. Quite long and pointy.
- Eyes: Golden color, lizard-like pupils.
- Breasts: Females: two pairs. The lower pair is slightly smaller than the upper pair.
- Tail: Short, lizard-like with scales.
- Native Language: wigmen
- Native Language speakers: Approx. 89 billion.
- Known dialects: –
- Other acquired languages:
- Gaian English (approx 76 billion fluent speakers)
- …
Regions of influence
- Home Planet: Warquiz
- Home Galaxy: –
Regions by population
Genetic compatibility with other species
Wigmez are known to be quite broadly compatible with other mammal species. Outside of mammals, there is no known compatibility with them.
List of known compatible species
- Gaian-humans: not always possible, depending on the subspecies, consult a licensed interspecies doctor.
- …
Name etymology
Belief system and Religion
Political system
Political involvement
Local policy
Interplanetary policy
Upon the discovery of Gaia-Earth many[Citation needed] Wigmez emigrated to Gaia and settled with down.
Mestizo and species mixing
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