This Character appeared first in chapter A01 ~ The Rebirth of the Phoenix

Aia Asdiekx

Table of Contents

One of the main characters of the Space Highways series.

She is renown as one of the best space-truckers, and to be from an unknown alien species.


Basic Data

Name: Aia
Surname: Asdiekx
Pronunciation (IPA): Aia Asdiekx /ˈaɪa ˈasdɪe̞ᵏs̆/
Name in native language: no input.
Nickname(s): Queen, The Queen, The Queen of the Highways
Sex: Female
Sexual orientation: Hetero
Ethnicity/Race: unknown
Age: 28, gY (Gaian Years)
Birthday: 2997/09/07 (adoption day)

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