Table of Contents
Alien species
Class: mammal
Species description
A matriarchal society.
Men and women are equal in all aspects of life, but the head of the family is always the mother or the eldest female.
Subspecies and races
As of 3024, standard Gaian date calculation, there are 139 known subspecies and races. ..
General description
Detailed description by body parts
- Skin: Pale, mostly covered with a thin fur.
- Ears: Feline-like
- Nose: Similar to Gaian-humans with a feline touch.
- Eyes: Feline, quite big en relation to their face. Mostly in the same color as their hair and fur color.
- Tail: Feline-like covered in fur.
- Native Language: Feliiti
- Native Language speakers: Approx. 186 billion.
- Known dialects: 147
- Other acquired languages: Gaian English (approx 63 billion fluent speakers),…
The Feliiti language is not complicated in syntax, but really difficult for non-native speakers due to the accentuation and stressing of syllables, and the specific dental clicks. One word may mean several different things depending on how it is pronounced. The dental clicks are difficult to emulate for any species not having fangs.
Most non-native speakers refer to the Feliiti a singing language.
Basic syntax
The basic sentence syntax is Noun + modifier + reference noun/pronoun (I, you, they, it) [ + time + modifier or reference]
The language is essentially verbless and only has some auxiliary modifiers which can be translated as verbs or auxiliary verbs. Dental (fang) clicks denote the modifiers. There are four basic clicks in standard Feliiti. In the Latin alphabet transcriptions, the four clicks are represented as ‘ – ` and ·
Stresses are represented as ¨ for sharp ascending stress (ë), º for open upper stress (å), ^ for flat stress (ê) and ` for long stress (è).
There are no possessive pronouns.
Family members are never addressed as being possessed. “My husband/wife went out.” would be expressed as “Soulmate Name_of_partner out of house.”
Known frequent vocabulary
- Ëh’tåj’êh – a strong curse word with no available translation.
- Oh’ta-nà! – Right now/of course/in the act/let’s do it… A confirmation, normally used as an interjection or exclamation.
- Ah’têj·tåh – “Blessed all ancestors!” Akin to the Gaian-English “Thank God”, “Thank goodness”
- Là·êj`ah – “Congratulations”. This variation expresses extreme happiness.
- Ahï·lêh – “I love you”. Said to lovers.
- Ahî·lêh’åh – “I love you”. Said only to one’s soulmate.
Regions of influence
- Home Planet: Fel-të’såh
- Home Galaxy:
Regions by population
Recent studies have found that the Felii people have evolved from a feline-like primitive mammal, similar to the Gaian humans have evolved from the primitive apes.
Genetic compatibility with other species
Felii are known to be quite broadly compatible with other mammal species. Outside of mammals, there is no known compatibility with them. ..
List of known compatible species
- Gaian-humans
- …
Name etymology
The origin of the name Felii is still studied. Many different sources are only based on myths.
The plural is Felii but nowadays, under influence from other languages from species, the plural Feliis is becoming a standard practice. ..
Belief system and Religion
The eight genders according to the Felii mythology
- eh’ë – females born females
- eh’à – males born males
- eh’nëà – born hermaphrodites
- eh’lë – female trans
- eh’lá – male trans
- eh’dë – females born males
- eh’dà – males born females
- eh’xa – asexuals, non-binary
- eh’yh’nyã – Spirited genders.
Political system
The Felii Empire is a democratic empire with the empress, the matriarch, as the head of state.
Most political decisions are taken between the Higher and the Lower House.
Political involvement
Local policy
Interplanetary policy
Upon the discovery of Gaia-Earth many [Citation needed] Felii emigrated to Gaia and settled with down. ..
Mestizo and species mixing
Although there are no laws against miscegenation and interbreeding, mestizos are not too welcome in some places inside the Felii Empire.
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